Mission Statement

Marick Press publishes 6-8 titles annually in both hardcover and paperback covering a broad spectrum of topic that range from literary non-fiction, creative non-fiction, poetry, fiction and reprint of previously published titles.

Marick Press is a literary publisher, founded to preserve the best work by poets around the world, including many under published women poets. 

Marick Press seeks out and publishes the best new work from an eclectic range of aesthetics —work that is technically accomplished, distinctive in style, and thematically fresh.

Editor's Picks


Field Guide

On Foot

Upcoming Events

Sept24The Poets’ Follies Reading Series, sponsored by Marick Press and The Oakland University Writing Center, will feature the poetry of David Young, Todd Swift and Jason Storms at 6:30PM. The reading will be followed by a question and answer session.
Wednesday September 24, 2014
6:30PM, Room 212, Kresge Library at Oakland University
Rochester, MI 48309 
   - For more info...

““Nothing good ever comes of love. What comes of love is always something better”
― Roberto Bolaño