Dario Jaramillo Agudelo

Dario Jaramillo Agudelo
Translated by Don Share
Paperback Publication Date: October 30, 2012 142 Pages ISBN13: 978-1-934851-38-8 USD $14.95 + Shipping
We cherish our illusions so that we can enter reality; and what we imagine can seem to us as real as what we actually see before our eyes every day. Suppose we were given a field guide designed to help us classify such things, to help us navigate our lives. The renowned Colombian love poet and novelist Darío Jaramillo Agudelo has provided us just such a useful – and fanciful – poetic reference work in his Guia para viajeros, translated from the Spanish by Don Share. In this book, which reads like a series of interrelated prose poems, you will encounter fantastic creatures whose behavior suggests new and previously undreamed of ways to obtain roses, to play music, to drink wine, to put words in a new, magical order, and even to fly. In this collection of charming yet slightly dark caprices, you will encounter a world of creatures whose foibles, romances, moods, and dreams resemble, strangely enough, our own. |
About the Author, Dario Jaramillo Agudelo
Born in Santa Rosa de Osos, Colombia, in 1947, Darío Jaramillo Agudelo received a B.A. in economics and a law degree in 1970 from the Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá; he taught there, later working at a law firm, and then as the manager of a department store. He published his first book of poetry, Historias, in 1974; his second, Tratado de retórica, won Colombia’s National Poetry Prize. His next four collections—Poemas de amor (1986), Del ojo a la lengua (1995), Cantar por cantar (2001), and Gatos (2005)—established his reputation. In 1985 he became Cultural Chief of Banco de la República in 1985, and also became a novelist, publishing La muerte de Alec (1983), Cartas cruzadas (1995), Novela con fantasma (1995), Memorias de un hombre feliz (2000), El juego del alfiler (2002), and, most recently, La voz interior (2006). He is currently at work on a seventh novel.
About the Translator, Don Share
Don Share is Senior Editor of Poetry magazine. His books include Squandermania (Salt Publishing), Union (Zoo Press), Seneca in English (Penguin Classics), and most recently a new book of poems, Wishbone (Black Sparrow), and Bunting’s Persia (Flood Editions), which explores the British poet Basil Bunting’s time in the Middle East; Share has also edited a critical edition of Bunting’s work for Faber and Faber. His translations of Miguel Hernández, collected in I Have Lots of Heart (Bloodaxe Books) were awarded the Times Literary Supplement Translation Prize, and will appear in a revised edition from New York Review of Books Classics. He has been Poetry Editor of Harvard Review and Partisan Review, Editor of Literary Imagination, and curator of poetry at Harvard University. With Christian Wiman, he co-hosts the monthly Poetry magazine podcast and has co-edited The Open Door: One Hundred Poems, One Hundred Years of Poetry Magazine (University of Chicago Press).
One is rarely excited by translation, but in Don Share's case there is a sense of shared elation between reader and translator that confirms the delight of exact sensation when the poem feels transmitted by that cautious and subtle alchemy that is the translator's skill. I have felt this with Don Share's versions of Miguel Hernández: but this is also because he is a fi ne poet in his own right, one who surrenders his sensibilities to the task of transference'. —Derek Walcott.
Share’s work is distinctly American in its idiom, its vertiginously fl uctuating diction, and its insistence on synthesizing a line between the personal and political, the domestic and the public. —John Hennessy, Editor, Jacket2
About Union: "Few poets manage such dexterous and fresh music. Few books are as lovely or profound." —Alice Fulton
"... these poems achieve a moving sense of cosmic desperation..." —Publishers Weekly
About Squandermania: "Share is one of the more gifted craftsmen we have writing in America today." —Erin Belieu, Boston Review
"[Don Share] is sage and deeply hilarious." —Ed Park, author of Personal Days